Services We Provide
How You Can Help
Why She Stays
Other Resources

24 Hour Crisis Line - Callers can discuss their concerns with a trained Volunteer Advocate.
Crisis Intervention - Working with women, and men when appropriate, giving them alternatives, and making them aware of local resources.
Emergency Shelter - Providing transportation to a safe place, most often a shelter in the state.
Peer Counseling - One to one personal and friendly support in times of crisis.
Support Groups - Women's Groups: Weekly meetings that offer support for women experiencing difficulty in their lives. They discuss their problems and help each other find solutions. Children's Groups: Children of these women meet at the same time and work on positive self-esteem and alternate ways of dealing with anger and frustration.
Courthouse Advocacy - Providing assistance and moral support to clients who need to be involved in the legal system, walking clients through the process of obtaining a Victim's Protective Order, giving support when clients are prosecuting.
Hospital Advocacy - Giving Support during emergency room examination of a rape victim or battered women.
Referrals - Making clients aware of other possible sources of support available in the community.
Child Care Services - Providing child care while clients come into the center for services.
Meals, clothing, and necessities - As funds and donations allow, clients are given meals, personal hygiene items, diapers and a change of clothes.
For information email: The Women's Service and Family Resource Center
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